DRAFT Minutes from the Hope Community Council Meeting

For the purpose of communicating as soon as reasonably possible to our residents, these are the draft minutes taken from the meeting for your information.  These have not been passed to the Council for approval and therefore amendments may be made before submitting to the council for approval at our next meeting.

Hope Community Council

Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Present:  Councillors Mrs T Bowgett (Chair), Mrs C Cunnah, Mrs L Davies,
Mrs M Williams, Mr J Mead, Mrs J Arnold, Mr M Taylor and Dr P Bevan

Also Present:   Mrs S Hughes Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

169.   Apologies for Absence

RESOLVED: Apologies for absence were received and approved from Cllrs Sheibani, Parsonage, Oldham and Tilson.

170.   Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest received.

171.   Chairman’s Announcements

The Chair reported that the Abermorddu Residents Committee have completed the refurbishment of the old telephone kiosk and it is nice to see it now sited at Abermorddu Primary School as a community library.

172.   Minutes of Council

RESOLVED: the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 2nd September 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

173.   Minutes of Committees

RESOLVED: the minutes of the following standing committees be approved and adopted and confirmed as a correct record. 

i.      Planning and Highways – 2nd September 2024

ii.    Leisure and Environment – 2nd September 2024

iii.  Finance – 2nd September 2024

174.   To Review any Matters Arising from the Minutes

Min 137 – due to annual leave of the Clerk and the Groundsman the meeting has not yet been held.  Cllr Williams will also be included within the Working Group.

175.   To receive any Public Questions/Correspondence

No public questions received.

176.   To receive the County Councillor Report from Cllrs David and Gladys Healey

Cty Cllrs David and Gladys Healey provided a report which included information on:

National Park  - urging Members of HCC to scrutinise the proposals very carefully when they

emerge. We need to see exactly which parts of our area (if any) are to be included and which

are not.

After research they also shared their own personal opinions on advantages and disadvantages.

These advantages and disadvantages, together with NRW’s proposals, will be discussed in Dave’s November ‘Our Heritage’ article in Hope4All magazine.


They are willing to include the What’s On developed by HCC within the next Heartbeat. The Heartbeat will not go to print until after 7th October so that it can include the latest information about the proposed North East Wales National Park as it may be necessary to use Heartbeat to campaign for changes to what is being proposed.

Packhorse Bridge

The Packhorse Bridge has now been repaired.


We have asked for the Gulley Team to visit Hope, Caergwrle & Abermorddu several times in preparation for the rains and possible flooding. It now appears that several gullies have been cleared and the local community has coped well with the recent downpours of rain. We also know that several serious flooding issues have been dealt with as a result as of a report which we submitted in the aftermath of Storm Christoph in 2021. Streetscene is to be congratulated for this. However, there are still gullies which have not been touched, in spite of specific requests and we will be pressing for these to be included.

Double Yellow Lines - We will be supporting HCC in requesting an extension of double yellow lines further on from the Stryt Isa junction with Hawarden Road in Hope because of the problems causes, especially when the school buses leave Stryt Isa. We also support the idea of extending them on Fagl Lane on the Coop side of the junction because there is also considerable congestion at this point at the end of the school day. When Gladys met with Jack Sargeant at the Coop to press for Safer Routes in Communities funding for Hope she had these measures in mind. We will also be stressing the point that, although our FCC officers are preoccupied with issues related to 20mph, they should reply to emails from HCC.

Abermorddu Noticeboard - We received an email from a concerned resident about the proposed location of the Abermorddu Notice board by HCC. We believe in the importance of a notice board in order to ensure that residents of Abermorddu are fully informed and involved in our community. The particular residents concerned hope to be able to get permission to open up their backs, on Hawarden Road and seal of their current Wrexham Road entrances because of their past experiences of flooding, including sewage contamination of their gardens. Although FCC has removed a major obstacle from the drainpipe they have little confidence that there will be no further incidents of flooding. Dave is committed to support them in their request although it may be difficult, for a variety of reasons, to have their new addresses assigned to Hawarden Road. It is worth noting that recent downpours have not resulted in excess flooding at this location on Wrexham Road. That being the case we are not objecting to that location for the proposed notice board.

RESOLVED: the report was received and noted.

177.   Councillor Vacancy

The Clerk advised that in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1972 (Section 87(2)) the council

advertised the Casual Vacancy for a period of 14 days, which did not result in an election being requested

and as a result, the council are now required to advertise for co-option.

RESOLVED: the Notice of Co-option will be advertised on the noticeboards, website and facebook with a

closing date of 25th October 2024.

178.   Flintshire Tourism Feasibility Fund

Cllr Bevan reported that no update has been received.  He reiterated that this report will provide options, opportunities and risks in relation to the National Park.

RESOLVED: the report was received and noted.

179.   Remembrance Day

Fr Paul Wheeler has confirmed that he and Rev. James Eaton-Challinor, who has responsibility for Caergwrle Chapel, will be co-ordinating the parade and service.  Further details will be shared once received.

180.   Hope Sports Centre

Due to the lack of response and action from FCC since the closure of the centre, members considered what action could be taken.  The recent news of Aura not willing to sign the new contract with FCC was acknowledged, however, this sports centre was already disposed of by Aura last year.  It was also acknowledged that FCC will be occupied with resolving the current contract renewal situation.

There is a local resident who is interested in taking this facility on as a business and started talks with FCC last year, however, this has ceased despite numerous attempts to contact FCC.  The Cty Cllr and Clerk have also attempted contact with FCC without success.

Cllr Davies advised she has spoken with Mr Ellis, Castell Alun and he is very much in support of the facility being taken on and reopened.  He is currently accommodating the local football teams in using the pitches.

RESOLVED: the council will write to FCC, copying Chief Executive Neal Cockerton, Leader of the Council Cllr Dave Hughes, Cty Cllr Healey and Mark Tami MP requesting support in reviewing the possibility to reopen the facility highlighting the following benefits: local interest to take on the facility, health, social wellbeing, additional income for the school, environmental (local residents not having to drive to a sports facility), local provision for youths and adults, provision for potential future athletes.

181.   VE Day 80 (8th May 2025)

RESOLVED: the council will provide a budget to offer grants to local clubs or organisations.

182.   Clerks Report

The Clerk circulated the updated Issue Log detailing outstanding issues and details of progress. This report

is for information only and should any items require further discussion they will need to be included on a

future agenda (if not already on the current agenda).

RESOLVED:  the report was received and noted and will be updated accordingly.

183.   Correspondence

The following correspondence was received and noted:

  • OVW & Planning Aid Wales Training Courses and events

  • Groundwork NW Grant

    o   RESOLVED: to be shared on social media

  • OPCC Newsletters #52 and #53

  • OVW – Code of Conduct Information – Practice Development Document

  • OVW – Conference

  • OVW & SLCC Joint Event

  • OVW – Stakeholder Event

  • NW Police – Quarterly Meeting Invitation

    o   RESOLVED: Cllrs Bowgett and Cunnah to attend.

  • Summer playscheme Report. 

    o   RESOLVED: Attendance appeared to be on the low side, council will ask the Playscheme to review the weeks it is held next year and ask if attendees can sign up on the day

  • BCUHB - Park Communication Boards.  The board for the Willow is ready for collection and they are also offering Phase 2, additional boards.

    o   RESOLVED: the council will request additional boards for the play areas: High Street, Sarn Lane, Queensway and Crossways.

  • Wales’s New National Park Proposal – Elected Members Online Consultation Event. 7th October.

    o   RESOLVED: Cllr Bevan will attend.

184.   Future Agenda Items


The meeting of the Council began at 6.30pm and ended at 7.15pm

Hope Community Council

Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting
held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Present:   Councillors Mrs C Cunnah (Committee Chair), Mrs T Bowgett, Mrs L Davies,
Mrs M Williams, Mr J Mead, Mrs J Arnold, Mr M Taylor and Dr P Bevan

Also Present:   Mrs S Hughes Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

185.   To Receive Apologies for Absence

RESOLVED: Apologies for absence were received and approved from Cllrs Sheibani, Parsonage, Oldham and Tilson.

186.   To Receive any Declarations of Interest

There were no Declarations of Interest received.

187.   Minutes

RESOLVED: the minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 2nd September 2024, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

188.   To review any Matters Arising from the Minutes

Min 150 – the resident has returned the cheque and has chosen a voucher for the butchers.

189.   Half Year Budget Review

i.          The Clerk provided the Council with copies of the half year summary, budget monitoring report and bank reconciliation (Appendix A). The documents had been reviewed prior to the meeting and no issues were raised.

Cllr Cunnah did question the amount held in the Castle Reserves and asked members to consider what improvement’s/works will be made using this budget.

ii.           In order to meet the requirements of the financial regulations and internet banking, it is necessary for a programme of regular checks of standing data with suppliers to be followed.


i.          The quarterly budget/accounts were approved by the Council and signed by Cllr Davies.

ii.          The requirement to undertake regular checks of standing data with suppliers will be completed by Cllr Mead electronically.

190.   Annual Financial Assistance

RESOLVED: the applications will be launched as soon as possible.  Cllrs Bowgett, Arnold and Cunnah were appointed to the Working Group and will review all applications in preparation to submit a proposal to the Council at the December meeting.

191.   Payments

To authorise accounts for payment up to and including 2nd October 2024.

Payable to                             Details                                                                Amount

HSBC                                       Monthly Bank Fee                                        £6.20

Mossfords Memorials Ltd  Cleaning of Cenotaph                                  £2,940.00

AVOW                                    Payroll Charges July - Sept 2024                     £72.85

Mr J Ferrari                             Equipment, Travel etc                                        £19.80

Staffing Cost                        Sep-24                                                                   £2,061.89

Mrs S Hughes                        Stationery, Postage, Equipment, Travel  etc   £2.10

Mrs S Hughes                        Tesco Mobile - Monthly data package           £10.00

Mrs S Hughes                        Hanging Basket Joint 3rd – Butcher Voucher £20.00

Mancoed                               Queensway Play Area Maintenance (sept)    £192.00

Solopress                               Printing of Whats On Guide                             £95.08

RESOLVED: The above payments be approved.  In accordance with the Financial Regulations, the schedule for payments was signed by the Chairman of Finance and/or the Chairman of the Council and countersigned by two bank signatories.


The meeting of the Committee began at 7.15pm and ended at 7.28pm


Hope Community Council

Minutes of the Planning & Highways Committee Meeting
held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Present:     Councillors Mrs L Davies (Committee Chair), Mrs T Bowgett, Mrs C Cunnah,
Mrs M Williams, Mr J Mead, Mrs J Arnold, Mr M Taylor and Dr P Bevan

Also Present:   Mrs S Hughes Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

192.   To Receive Apologies for Absence

RESOLVED: Apologies for absence were received and approved from Cllrs Sheibani, Parsonage, Oldham and Tilson.

193.   To Receive any Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest received.

194.   Minutes

RESOLVED: the minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 2nd September 2024, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

195.   To review any Matters Arising from the Minutes

Min 76/154 – response received from FCC planning re S106 at Bluebell Fields.  The Planning Officer advised he has reviewed the planning file and can confirm that the contributions requested by the Education department amounted to £221,628.00 to Ysgol Castell Alun. Abermorddu school was considered for Primary contributions as the relevant primary school and Educations calculations showed that using their standard formula the development would not result in the trigger point being reached. As such in accordance with the policy no contributions could be requested for Primary education.

The request for education contributions are made by the LEA and the Planning Authority rely on their advice with regard to this matter.

Min 76/154 – the clerk wrote to FCC Highways regarding advice on double yellow lines on Stryt Isa on 14th June and subsequently chased them on 25.06.2024 05.08.2024 and 22.08.2024 and 23.09.2024 – also including Cty Cllr G Healey to the email.

196.   Planning Applications

i.     There were no planning applications received for the Committee to consider.

ii.     To report on applications received which have been determined by Flintshire County Council.

a)   FUL/000534/24.  New Hand Car Wash & Valet to land to rear of Ocean Bangladeshi Restaurant and associated works.  Ocean Bangladeshi Restaurant, Hawarden Road, Hope. Refused

b)   FUL/000509/24.  Proposed Replacement Dwelling.  Green Farm, Shordley Road, Hope.  Approved

c)    FUL/000524/24.  Proposed remodelling and extension of existing dwelling house.  Morville, Hawarden Road, Caergwrle.  Approved

197.   Speed Sign

Cllr Davies reported on currently signage around the vicinity of Ysgol Estyn and also reported that the School Crossing sign by Castell Alun is being concealed by overhang trees.

RESOLVED: the council will request FCC to install an additional 20mph as a reminder to drivers, near Ysgol Estyn.  The overhanging trees obscuring the school crossing sign by Castell Alun will be reported to FCC Streetscene.

198.   Christmas Lighting

The council has a budget to allow for a further 6-8 lights to be purchased and installed and considered location options.

RESOLVED: on consultation with the Contractor, a request will be made to install additional lighting to continue on Mold Road towards Porch Lane, however, should this not be possible, an extension of the lights to continue on Hawarden Road towards The Willow.

199.   Empty Homes

Regarding the 2x recently refurbished empty council homes within Hope, FCC have confirmed that there has been extensive refurbishment works carried out at these properties and an issue with the electricity meters that has taken longer than expected to resolve.  The issue has now been resolved and tenants have now moved in.

200.   Highway Matters

•      Parking - Cllr Davies reported that complaints have been received regarding parking at Castell Alun High School at a recent Parents Evening.  She has spoken with Mr Ellis who advised that attendance was much higher than expected, however, the car parks were open.  He will reiterate to parents for future events to park sensibly.

•      Flooding – recent flooding occurred at Sarn Lane, Gresford Road and Fagl Lane/St Cynfarchs.

•      Pot Holes – Pigeon House Lane (on first bend off top road) and Hawarden Road (o/s no.17).

o   RESOLVED:  these will be reported to FCC Streetscene.

The meeting of the Committee began at 7.28pm and ended at 7.53pm

Hope Community Council

Minutes of the Leisure & Environment Committee Meeting
held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Present: Councillors Mrs M Williams (Committee Chair), Mrs T Bowgett, Mrs L Davies,
Mrs C Cunnah, Mr J Mead, Mrs J Arnold, Mr M Taylor and Dr P Bevan

Also Present:   Mrs S Hughes Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

201.   To Receive Apologies for Absence

RESOLVED: Apologies for absence were received and approved from Cllrs Sheibani, Parsonage, Oldham and Tilson.

202.   To Receive any Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest received.

203.   Minutes

RESOLVED: the minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 2nd September 2024, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

204.   To review any Matters Arising from the Minutes

Min 168 - the Halloween House decorating competition closes on Thurs 31st at 3pm and will be judged by Cllrs Bowgett and Cunnah.

205.   Play Areas

The council have on numerous occasions requested FCC to install new ‘dog’ signage at the Willow, without success and therefore it was proposed that the council purchase and install their own.

RESOLVED: the council will purchase ‘No Dog’ signs for the fenced area of the play area and ‘Dogs on Leads’ signs for the Willow playing fields.

206.   Caergwrle Castle

A meeting with FCS, Cadw and council was due to be held on Friday 20th Sept to start discussions on the Management Plan 2025-2030, however, due to an issue with the venue this has been postponed and awaiting a date from Cadw.

207.   Noticeboards

Last month the council received an objection from the residents whose property the board would stand outside of, which was backed by Cty Cllr Healey, the council then considered alterative locations.  However, subsequently, Cty Cllr Healey is now in support of the preferred location.

RESOLVED: given no other locations are considered suitable, the council will now proceed with submitting a planning application for the new board to be installed in Abermorddu and the new boards for Hope and Caergwrle will be ordered.

208.   Village Planters

Members considered installing additional planters in Caergwrle, however, given the existing work for the Groundsman, this will be reviewed again earlier next year.

RESOLVED: to include on the February agenda to consider purchasing and installing additional planters.


The meeting of the Committee began at 7.53pm and ended at 8.10pm